Group Booking

Swim Zone Pools are available for group bookings during opening hours (minimum of 10 people).  This will allow your group a discounted rate but not exclusive use of the pool/s. All Swim Zone facilities have a BBQ available for hire.

The number of people and pools you wish to use will determine the number of lifeguards required.


Kids birthday parties

Swim Zone Pools are a popular venue for birthday parties. With qualified lifeguards and everything from pool toys to barbeque areas everyone will have a great time! Bookings are essential.


Group/team training

Swim Zone pools are also an ideal venue for group or team training. Whether it's fitness training or team building you're after - Swim Zone is the place! Many of our lifeguards also hold higher qualifications in recreation and aquatics, so can help with ideas for your training session - just ask when making your booking.


BBQ hire

No party or training session is complete without a good kiwi feed! All Swim Zone pools have a bbq area for hire during normal pool hours for $20 per hour. Bookings are essential.


Inflatable hire

The inflatable is available to hire at Swim Zone Morrinsville for $50, minimum of 10 children per booking.  Children under 8yrs must have a caregiver in the water to supervise. 



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